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Heather Bakewell




Administrative Assistant

Brenda Barnhart





Dr. JoAnna Teslovich




Pastor John Thomas






  • Thursday September 12th - HOME 9-12 Volleyball Game 4:30 PM

  • Thursday September 12th - Basketball Open Gym (after volleyball) 6:00 - 7:00 PM

  • Friday September 13th - HOME Volleyball Games (JV 4:30, Varsity 5:30 PM)

  • Monday September 16th- Fall Pictures

  • Friday September 20th- Progress Report Emailed Home (3rd-12th)

  • Wednesday September 25th- See You at the Pole

  • Friday September 27th- Pet Parade 1:00 PM

  • Monday October 14th- Picture Retake Day




Picture Day- Picture Day is coming! It will be held on Monday September 16th. Get ready to say “cheese” and don’t forget – please don’t wear green.


Penngift Scholarship Opportunity- Deadline- September 25th. We have a new scholarship opportunity for CCCS families. To apply click on the link below to set up an account and fill out the application. Please be aware there is a non-refundable application fee required by the agency (FACTS) providing this scholarship. Please understand that due to potentially limited funds and typically high numbers of applications, there is no guarantee you will be awarded any scholarship funds. In this scenario, it is possible that those who have higher incomes but are still under the maximum income requirement (set by the agency) may be excluded from receiving any scholarship funds.

A household's income must be $105,183 or less to be eligible. 

You will need to upload your 2023 Federal Tax return and W2’s for everyone in the household who has income.


Gym Class- Please remember students need tennis shoes for gym class. 


Pet Parade- Do you have an amazing pet you would like to share with the school? On Friday September 27th we will be hosting a pet parade for all our students to show off their amazing fur friends. Parents and guardians must be willing to bring their wonderful pets in the afternoon (1:00pm) leashed or secured for everyone's safety. A google form has been created to help organize this event. We ask that EVERYONE fill out the form even if there is not a pet in your household. A permission to attend is part of the form so make sure to fill it out regardless. Email Mrs. Leska with any questions you may have:



Mum Fundraiser- Vouchers for each order will be sent home Monday, September 16th to pick up mums at Litton’s Greenhouse on Rt.40. Pick up dates- Friday Sept. 20- Sunday Sept. 29.


Sycamore- We hope everyone has been able to log into sycamore. New families, you should have received an email invite. If anyone is having issues logging in, please contact Brenda Barnhart or Heather Bakewell

Our school code is 2596. Once you log in, and update your password, you can bookmark the page for easy future access. Please email the school at if you have any questions or need to update your email. 


Student Handbooks-  A copy of the student handbook will be handed out to your student on the first day of school. You can also view the handbook in the link provided. We ask that you please read through the entire handbook.


2024-2025 School Calendar- Please click the link to download and print our school year calendar. It also can be found on our website. 

Calendar Link:​​



RaiseRight(Formally Scrip)-CCCS participates in the RaiseRight program. RaiseRight is ordering gift cards and the credit earned goes toward your student's tuition.

  • To set up an account start by downloading the RaiseRight App or go to on your computer. For step-by-step instructions, visit Enrollment Code: 57F395E516665

  • If you have any questions, please Andrea Works at


Parent Text Messaging/Remind App- We send text messages for bad weather cancellations and delays, emergency information, general announcements/reminders. Remind is available for all cellular phones, regardless if it is a smart phone or not. The app is free. It is VERY IMPORTANT that every student’s family has this app. Obviously it is used for snow notifications, but should the school experience an emergency or a safety issue, this would be the way we communicate important information to families. 

A few things about the Remind app:

1- It is not a two-way text app. The school will not respond to messages received on Remind. 

2- Purpose is simply to get important information directly to you in a fast, convenient way. 

3-The App is free. 


Simply click on this link, from your smartphone and follow the prompts. If you do not have a smartphone, contact the office and we will get you set up on your current cell phone. 

Remind Link-







Additional Fall Programming Fee Structure (Elementary/MS) - Students that have paid the $25 athletic fee will only be required to pay a per sport fee. For instance, athletes that have already registered for cheer will only pay $15 to participate in the Wednesday Running Club or Monday/Friday Soccer programming. A new athlete that is looking to participate in soccer and running club will pay $25 + $15/program. If you have questions about the fee, please contact


K-5 Soccer Camp Started Friday September 6th 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM!

  • Please send a note in with your child if they will be staying after school for soccer camp held on Mondays and Fridays until Monday, September 30th.

  • Important:

  • Ages 6-9 should bring a size 4 soccer ball

  • Ages 10+ should bring a size 5 soccer ball.

  • All participants should also bring water.

  • Registration Document - Soccer Camp Registration Link

  • Communication - Soccer Remind Channel

  • Registration fees will be collected when you pick your child up from camp on Sept 6th. Cash or check will be accepted. $25 athletic fee (cheerleaders have already paid) + $15 camp fee.

  • Camp takes place on the playground behind the school.


2-6 Running Club Starts Wednesday September 11th 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM!

  • Please send a note in with your child if they will be staying after school for running club on Wednesdays until October 16th. Students will meet in Ms. Bailey's room in the elementary wing at dismissal.

  • Important:

  • Runners should wear proper shoes designed for running

  • All participants should bring water

  • Registration Document - Running Club Registration Link

  • Communication - Running Club Remind Channel

  • Registration fees will be collected when you pick your child up from camp on Sept 11th. Cash or check will be accepted. $25 athletic fee (cheerleaders/soccer campers have already paid) + $15 camp fee.

  • Please arrive no later than 4 PM to pick up your child.

  • Running Club takes place on the playground behind the school.


Season Volleyball Game Pass - Students can save up to %50 of the admission fees by purchasing a season pass! Sign up with the google form. Payments can be made to the marketing class in Mrs. Startare's room during 9th period or at the volleyball home opener on Thursday 9/12. CCCS Student passes are $7. Adult fans outside of school have the option to purchase a pass for $15.


Basketball Open Gym Monday 9/23 canceled due to schedule conflict.


Varsity Volleyball Theme Nights - Show your support for the volleyball team by participating in the theme for the evening! Volleyball Theme Nights


CCCS Sports Calendars - Calendars for each sport can be accessed on the website! Save the schedule page to your home screen or add the specific calendars you want to the app on your device.


CCCS Sports Home Event Help - A sign up has been created for the great amount of help that we need to host our fall sporting events. Athletes and parents can volunteer to help out with other sports to fulfill the volunteer hours commitment. Signup Genius Link for Fall Sports Events


CCCS Sports Remind Channels - It is easy to stay in the know concerning various sports! You should already have the Remind app to receive important school notifications. Adjust settings to receive text messages, emails or both! Use the links below to make sure you receive updates for specific sports:

Cheer Remind Channel Girls K-5

Cross Country Remind Channel Boys and Girls 7-12

Girls Volleyball Remind Channel Girls 5-12

Basketball Remind Channel Boys and Girls 5-12

Track and Field Remind Channel Boys and Girls 7-12

Running Club Remind Channel Boys and Girls 2-6

Soccer Remind Channel Boys and Girls K-5

















MS/HS Chromebook Use- Parents click on the link and fill out the device agreement form if your child is using a school chromebook ASAP. Please Note: Chromebooks are for in school use and don’t go home with students.


Technology Guidelines- 

Students will have access to computers and computer applications in order to learn and reinforce academic curricula, enhance student creativity, and assist in project development. Middle/High School students may bring their own personal laptop or device to use during school; however, they must follow the school computer guidelines and policies. If a student is found to not adhere and follow the guidelines set, they will lose the privilege of being permitted to use their personal device at school. Please also note that the school WILL be looking at our student’s social media pages, and if deemed necessary will require a parent meeting and or proper discipline to the student. 


Students may: 

  • Use eBooks 

  • Read approved books 

  • Take notes in class/studying 

  • May use Google Drive 

  • Research - Teacher approved Email (teacher/school related only) 

Students may NOT: 

  • Use Social Media 

  • Play games 

  • Take photos and videos without permission. 






School Store- School store will begin Friday September 6th. Students can bring cash to buy a treat or drinks at the store. Prices range from $0.50 to $2.00. 


Hot Lunch for students in K-12th You will be ordering through the Sycamore program. Login to your Sycamore account, Click My Accounting/Cafeteria/Orders/Meal Orders. Once you have brought up the Meal Orders tab enter the quantity, select meal from the drop down box. Please remember after you have completed your order to click the blue update in the upper right hand corner of the screen. 


Orders are due in the system on Friday before 2:00 PM, for the following week. All food is pre ordered due to limited freezer space. 

Please Note: If a student is absent on a day lunch was ordered for them you will still be charged because all food is ordered the week before. 


September Lunch Menu-


Lunch Debit Program- GOOD NEWS! You can now DEBIT your hot lunch payments. No fees (like using PayPal, or the credit card machine in the office). Just complete the Debit Authorization Agreement and return it to the office. Two Payment options are available. You may choose to have $80 per month debited on the 15th of each month, or $40 biweekly debited every other Friday. ( See attachment for dates). If, at the end of the month, your account still has a balance due, you will be billed for that amount and you can debit the remainder due at that time, or send in a check to cover the deficit. If, at the end of the month, your account has a credit due to you, this credit will be rolled over to the next month and at the end of the school year, if a credit still exists on your lunch account, you will be asked to choose if you want to roll it over to the next school year or receive a refund.


Hot Lunch Debit Form:






Questions? Give us a call. 724.785.2777. 

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